Be The Solution Podcast

'Trad Wives' and Traditional Values: A Closer Look at Gender Roles and Politics

May 09, 2024 U. of Utah - College of Social and Behavioral Science
'Trad Wives' and Traditional Values: A Closer Look at Gender Roles and Politics
Be The Solution Podcast
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Be The Solution Podcast
'Trad Wives' and Traditional Values: A Closer Look at Gender Roles and Politics
May 09, 2024
U. of Utah - College of Social and Behavioral Science

In this episode, we’re joined by Dr. Daniel Carlson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Family & Consumer Studies. Dr. Carlson shares his expert insights on the intriguing world of the 'Trad Wives' phenomenon on TikTok. 'Trad Wives,' short for traditional wives, refers to a growing online community where individuals, predominantly women, embrace traditional gender roles within the context of marriage and family life. This movement harks back to historical ideals of gender roles and the division of labor, where women are often depicted as homemakers and nurturers. However, the 'Trad Wives' trend is not just about nostalgia; it's also deeply intertwined with modern-day politics and societal values, raising important questions about feminism, personal choice, and the evolving dynamics of relationships in contemporary society. Join us as we unpack the history, motivations, and implications of the 'Trad Wives' movement, navigating through its complexities to gain a deeper understanding of its cultural significance and impact.

Show Notes

In this episode, we’re joined by Dr. Daniel Carlson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Family & Consumer Studies. Dr. Carlson shares his expert insights on the intriguing world of the 'Trad Wives' phenomenon on TikTok. 'Trad Wives,' short for traditional wives, refers to a growing online community where individuals, predominantly women, embrace traditional gender roles within the context of marriage and family life. This movement harks back to historical ideals of gender roles and the division of labor, where women are often depicted as homemakers and nurturers. However, the 'Trad Wives' trend is not just about nostalgia; it's also deeply intertwined with modern-day politics and societal values, raising important questions about feminism, personal choice, and the evolving dynamics of relationships in contemporary society. Join us as we unpack the history, motivations, and implications of the 'Trad Wives' movement, navigating through its complexities to gain a deeper understanding of its cultural significance and impact.